Daily Room Rates (from 1 January 2023)
Blue Room - £135 per night
Yellow Room - £125 per night
Yellow Room - £125 per night
A deposit of £25 per room is required in advance to confirm your booking. This can be paid by cheque, online bank transfer, or in response to an invoice sent to you by PayPal.
If you are paying the deposit from outside the UK you may wish to do so by bank transfer using IBAN GB74NWBK55812689160266 and BIC NWBKGB2L.
Payment will be requested on the Booking Form which we will send to you.
If you are paying the deposit from outside the UK you may wish to do so by bank transfer using IBAN GB74NWBK55812689160266 and BIC NWBKGB2L.
Payment will be requested on the Booking Form which we will send to you.
Methods of payment on departure
Cheques, online bank transfer, or cash. We regret we cannot accept Credit or Debit cards.